Camden, Lloyd Smith, Naval Ammunition Depot, October 30, 1958 [Smith checks the mechanism of a time clock at the Naval Ammunition Depot at Shumaker] [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. 1958.


Camden, Lloyd Smith, Naval Ammunition Depot, October 30, 1958 [Smith checks the mechanism of a time clock at the Naval Ammunition Depot at Shumaker] [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. 1958.

Negative taken for October 31, 1958, Arkansas Gazette article "Acres of Locks Need Full-Time Care," B1:2. Lloyd Smith, locksmith for the Naval Ammunition at Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot in Camden, Ouachita County, Arkansas, opens his workshop in Captain Richard Johnson's headquarters. The workshop is a huge vault with a very heavy steel door and contains a lock mechanism. The commanding officer, Captain Richard Johnson, keeps all of the important keys locked up in his office.

1 negative : b&w ; 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 cm. (2 1/2 x 2 1/2 in.)


SNAC Resource ID: 7592596

Arkansas History Commission

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Deane, Ernie (person)

Smith, Lloyd P., 19..-.... (person)

Shumaker Naval Ammunition Depot (Camden, Ark.) (corporateBody)

Arkansas History Commission (corporateBody)

The Arkansas History Commission was created by the General Assembly in 1905. Inspired and guided during its early years by John Hugh Reynolds, the commission is the official archives of the state, responsible for collecting and preserving the source materials of the history of Arkansas. From the description of Arkansas History Commission records, 1905-1984 [microform]. (Arkansas History Commission). WorldCat record id: 244818119 ...